Friday, March 2, 2012

My dog will take pride of place at my wedding.

wtf??? What is it with people treating dogs (and other animals) like they are human?? Get over it people, they are animals, they don’t love you, they don’t understand every word you say and they don’t need to wear a coat and boots to go outside in the rain!!!

Now, don't get me wrong, I have a dog and I love her to bits, she's called Bella and she's a collie/rottweiler cross and she's all of 9 months old, but I don't treat her like a child because she isn't one! 

She gets dog food to eat because it contains the right amount of vitamins and minerals for her. She gets doggy treats when she is a good girl, not human sweets and tidbits because they contain salts and sugars that are bad for her (not to mention that chocolate contains something which in large quantities is poisonous to dogs!!) she sleeps on the floor not on my bed because she periodically picks up fleas and she is taken outside come rain or shine for a poo (or a wee) because if she isn't she'll eventually do it on the floor! She has her own toys to play with and she isn't allowed to play with mine. 

In short I treat her as what she is - an animal; one that I love and consider part of our family, but still an animal at the end of the day. You may think that your pet looks adorable in a hoody, or a tartan coat or in the latest pooch boots, but where is the dignity in that for your pet? If you want to dress something up buy a dolly - or go the whole hog and have a baby!! but for goodness sake give your pet the respect it deserves and leave the clothes for the dolls!

Anita 'naked pets' Kelly

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